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How to debug Move module and troubleshooting

There are two test methods for move, unit test and integration test.
Using the two test methods separately can cover almost 90% of the usage scenarios.
We can usually test some functional modules in unit tests as simple verification.
However, many test scenarios require that we must initiate transactions on the block to debug the correctness of the module, and unit testing cannot meet these requirements.
So we must use more powerful canonical tests to simulate transactions in real blocks to cover most use cases and make your code more robust.

Simple Example

Let's take an example, this is a very simple Token module
I will leave some small errors in it to demonstrate the whole debug process
You can use this test address


Use the mpm command

Create a project

mpm package new MyCake

Go to the folder and edit mycake.move

cd MyCake
vi sources/mycake.move

fill in

address Chef{
module Cake{
use StarcoinFramework::Signer;
use StarcoinFramework::Token;
use StarcoinFramework::Account;

struct Cake has copy, drop, store { }

public fun admin():address{

public fun init(account :&signer){
assert!( admin() == Signer::address_of( account ) , 10000);
Token::register_token<Cake>( account, 9 );

public fun make_cake( account: &signer , amount : u128): Token::Token<Cake> {
assert!( admin() == Signer::address_of( account ) , 10000);
Token::mint<Cake>( account , amount )

public fun destroy_cake( account: &signer , cake: Token::Token<Cake>) {
assert!( admin() == Signer::address_of( account ) , 10000);
Token::burn<Cake>( account , cake );

public fun send_cake( _to :address , cake: Token::Token<Cake> ){
Account::deposit<Cake>(@Chef, cake);

public fun add (x:u128, y:u128 ):u128{
x - y


Edit Move.toml

vi Move.toml
name = "MyCake"
version = "0.0.0"

Chef = "0xf2aa2eae4ceaae88b308fc904975e4ae"

StarcoinFramework = { git = "", rev = "01c84198819310620f2417413c3c800df8292ae5" }

Unit Test Debug

After you have written some move code, you need to unit test first to ensure that your code is correct in the details
Unit testing is generally used to test the correctness of certain functions or functional modules

Let's test the return value of the add function

add unit test

address Chef{
module Cake{
use StarcoinFramework::Signer;
use StarcoinFramework::Token;
use StarcoinFramework::Account;

struct Cake has copy, drop, store { }

public fun admin():address{

public fun init(account :&signer){
assert!( admin() == Signer::address_of( account ) , 10000);
Token::register_token<Cake>( account, 9 );

public fun make_cake( account: &signer , amount : u128): Token::Token<Cake> {
assert!( admin() == Signer::address_of( account ) , 10000);
Token::mint<Cake>( account , amount )

public fun destroy_cake( account: &signer , cake: Token::Token<Cake>) {
assert!( admin() == Signer::address_of( account ) , 10000);
Token::burn<Cake>( account , cake );

public fun send_cake( _to :address , cake: Token::Token<Cake> ){
Account::deposit<Cake>(@Chef, cake);

public fun add (x:u128, y:u128 ):u128{
x - y

public fun add_test(){
assert!( add(10 , 1) == 11, 101);

execute test command

mpm package test

get test results

BUILDING StarcoinFramework
Running Move unit tests
[ FAIL ] 0xf2aa2eae4ceaae88b308fc904975e4ae::Cake::add_test

Test failures:

Failures in 0xf2aa2eae4ceaae88b308fc904975e4ae::Cake:

┌── add_test ──────
│ error[E11001]: test failure
│ ┌─ ./sources/mycake.move:38:13
│ │
│ 37 │ public fun add_test(){
│ │ -------- In this function in 0xf2aa2eae4ceaae88b308fc904975e4ae::Cake
│ 38 │ assert!( add(10 , 1) == 11, 101);
│ │ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Test was not expected to abort but it aborted with 101 here


Test result: FAILED. Total tests: 1; passed: 0; failed: 1

We can see that the result of the add function is not what we expected
Let's check the add function, we can see that the internal implementation of the add function is incorrect
Fix it

    public fun add (x:u128, y:u128 ):u128{
x + y

Rerun unit test

mpm package test

get test results

CACHED StarcoinFramework
Running Move unit tests
[ PASS ] 0xf2aa2eae4ceaae88b308fc904975e4ae::Cake::add_test
Test result: OK. Total tests: 1; passed: 1; failed: 0

Congratulations! The test has passed, you can find the error of the algorithm this way!

You can print certain values in unit tests, and you can also call functions in modules, but keep in mind that unit tests are very limited, and if you need a signature, you can use spectest

Integration-test Debug

Unit testing can only meet the needs of a small range of tests.
More often, we want to simulate the execution of the code on the block during the testing phase,
because many problems occur after the block is executed.

At this time, integration-test is the best.

Create a new integration-tests directory and add mycake_test.move

mkdir integration-tests
vi integration-test/mycake.move
//# init -n test --public-keys Chef=0x98826ab91a9a5d85dec536418090aa6342991bc8f947613721c8165e7102b132 

//# faucet --addr Chef --amount 10000000000000000

//# faucet --addr guest --amount 10000000000000000

//# run --signers Chef
script {
use Chef::Cake;
fun init(signer: signer) {
// check: EXECUTED

//# run --signers Chef
script {
use StarcoinFramework::Signer;
use StarcoinFramework::Account;
use Chef::Cake;
fun make_cake(signer: signer) {
let cake = Cake::make_cake(&signer , 1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000);
Account::deposit<Cake::Cake>( Signer::address_of(&signer) , cake );
assert!( Account::balance<Cake::Cake>(@Chef) == 1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 , 1001);
// check: EXECUTED

//# run --signers Chef
script {
use Chef::Cake;
fun destroy_cake(signer: signer) {
let cake = Cake::make_cake(&signer , 1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000);
Cake::destroy_cake(&signer, cake);
// check: EXECUTED

//# run --signers Chef
script {
use StarcoinFramework::Account;
use Chef::Cake;
fun send_cake(signer: signer) {
let cake = Cake::make_cake(&signer , 1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000);
Cake::send_cake(@guest, cake);
assert!( Account::balance<Cake::Cake>(@guest) == 1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 , 1001);
// check: EXECUTED

Run integration-test

mpm integration-test

The following will be output on the command line
We can see that most of the tests are as we expected
But the result of the last test is wrong
We need to examine the code used by the test and the logic behind it

BUILDING StarcoinFramework

running 1 tests

test transactional-test::mycake_test.move ... FAILED
Error: Expected errors differ from actual errors:
processed 7 tasks

task 3 'run'. lines 7-14:
"gas_used": 97115,
"status": {
"Keep": "Executed"

task 4 'run'. lines 16-26:
"gas_used": 128354,
"status": {
"Keep": "Executed"

task 5 'run'. lines 28-36:
"gas_used": 90747,
"status": {
"Keep": "Executed"

task 6 'run'. lines 38-48:
"gas_used": 90471,
"status": {
"Keep": {
"MoveAbort": [


test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 filtered out

Analyse Problem

First look at the test code
We made some cakes and wanted to give them to the guest, but after send_cake, the cake did not appear in the guest's account

//# run --signers Chef
script {
use StarcoinFramework::Account;
use Chef::Cake;
fun send_cake(signer: signer) {
let cake = Cake::make_cake(&signer , 1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000);
Cake::send_cake(@guest, cake);
assert!( Account::balance<Cake::Cake>(@guest) == 1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 , 1001);
// check: EXECUTED

We already know in the above test that the make_cake function is normal
Then the problem must be in send_cake
Let's check it out

    public fun send_cake( _to :address , cake: Token::Token<Cake> ){
Account::deposit<Cake>(@Chef, cake);

When we look at the send_cake function, we will find that the parameter of Account::deposit\<Cake>(@Chef, cake) is fixed to the administrator address, which is wrong
It should be sent to whoever needs to send it
Fix it

    public fun send_cake( to :address , cake: Token::Token<Cake> ){
Account::deposit<Cake>(to, cake);

Ok, let's rerun integration-test

mpm integration-test

We didn't find any errors in the test items, but the test still failed. What's going on?

BUILDING StarcoinFramework

running 1 tests

test transactional-test::mycake_test.move ... FAILED
Error: Expected errors differ from actual errors:
processed 7 tasks

task 3 'run'. lines 7-14:
"gas_used": 97115,
"status": {
"Keep": "Executed"

task 4 'run'. lines 16-26:
"gas_used": 128354,
"status": {
"Keep": "Executed"

task 5 'run'. lines 28-36:
"gas_used": 90747,
"status": {
"Keep": "Executed"

task 6 'run'. lines 38-48:
"gas_used": 141989,
"status": {
"Keep": "Executed"


test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 filtered out

Execution update test baseline

This is because we need to update test baseline

mpm integration-test --ub

An exp file with the same name as the test file will appear in the integration-tests directory
The result of the simultaneous test results is a pass

BUILDING StarcoinFramework

running 1 tests

test transactional-test::mycake_test.move ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 filtered out

When you need to modify test items, remember to execute mpm integration-test --ub after all test items are within the expected range

Correct Code


name = "MyCake"
version = "0.0.0"

Chef = "0xf2aa2eae4ceaae88b308fc904975e4ae"

StarcoinFramework = { git = "", rev = "01c84198819310620f2417413c3c800df8292ae5" }


address Chef{
module Cake{
use StarcoinFramework::Signer;
use StarcoinFramework::Token;
use StarcoinFramework::Account;

struct Cake has copy, drop, store { }

public fun admin():address{

public fun init(account :&signer){
assert!( admin() == Signer::address_of( account ) , 10000);
Token::register_token<Cake>( account, 9 );

public fun make_cake( account: &signer , amount : u128): Token::Token<Cake> {
assert!( admin() == Signer::address_of( account ) , 10000);
Token::mint<Cake>( account , amount )

public fun destroy_cake( account: &signer , cake: Token::Token<Cake>) {
assert!( admin() == Signer::address_of( account ) , 10000);
Token::burn<Cake>( account , cake );

public fun send_cake( to :address , cake: Token::Token<Cake> ){
Account::deposit<Cake>(to, cake);

public fun add (x:u128, y:u128 ):u128{
x + y

public fun add_test(){
assert!( add(10 , 1) == 11, 101);


//# init -n test --public-keys Chef=0x98826ab91a9a5d85dec536418090aa6342991bc8f947613721c8165e7102b132 

//# faucet --addr Chef --amount 10000000000000000

//# faucet --addr guest --amount 10000000000000000

//# run --signers Chef
script {
use Chef::Cake;
fun init(signer: signer) {
// check: EXECUTED

//# run --signers Chef
script {
use StarcoinFramework::Signer;
use StarcoinFramework::Account;
use Chef::Cake;
fun make_cake(signer: signer) {
let cake = Cake::make_cake(&signer , 1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000);
Account::deposit<Cake::Cake>( Signer::address_of(&signer) , cake );
// check: EXECUTED

//# run --signers Chef
script {
use Chef::Cake;
fun destroy_cake(signer: signer) {
let cake = Cake::make_cake(&signer , 1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000);
Cake::destroy_cake(&signer, cake);
// check: EXECUTED

//# run --signers Chef
script {
use StarcoinFramework::Account;
use Chef::Cake;
fun send_cake(signer: signer) {
let cake = Cake::make_cake(&signer , 1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000);
Cake::send_cake(@guest, cake);
assert!( Account::balance<Cake::Cake>(@guest) == 1 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 , 1001);
// check: EXECUTED